The A-Z guide of N for Nutrition

Apple:  Apples are rich in malic acid that gives a youthful and glowing skin plus they help in digestion owing to fibre.
Beetroot : Rich in calcium, iron and vitamin A & C and an excellent source of folic acidand fibre. Beetroot juice helps burn more calories while exercising and gives you strength and more stamina.
Carrot:  A good source of dietary fibre and vitamin A for keeping eyes in good condition. Carrot juice improves body’s self-defense mechanism.
Dark chocolate: A powerful source of antioxidants of which eating a small amount daily lowers blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain. Go and grab a bite…..
Egg: Eggs are considered to be a ‘complete protein’. They contain lutein which helps to maintain good vision and reduces age-related eye diseases.
Fenugreek:  Also called methi, is abundantly available in winters. The green leaves help lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. So, have them in plenty. Also, being rich in fibre and antioxidants, it flushes out harmful toxins from the body.
Green Tea: The healthiest beverage on the planet loaded with polyphenols and nutrients which improve brain function, fat loss and a lower risk of cancer.
Honey: The only food on earth that doesn’t get spoiled over the years. This golden sweetener has many antioxidants, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Caution: Do not over consume and never heat it.
Iceberg lettuce: One of the main constituents of salad is known for its crunchy texture. An excellent source of minerals like potassium and manganese and vitamins A, K & C. It has just 14 calories/ 100gms and so is good for weight  loss.
Jasmine Tea:  An excellent beverage for stress alleviation and water retention, helps to strengthen immune system.
Kiwi: This nutrient-dense fruit is rich in vitamin C, neutralises free radicals, prevents cell damage and gives beautiful skin. A good source of dietary fibre and has a laxative effect.
Lauki:  This summer vegetable is cooling, calming and is diuretic. Its juice is extremely popular for weight loss; so have it on an empty stomach for best results. Also rich in zinc to maintain healthy functioning of cells.
Mango:  Everyone’s favourite summer fruit, this’ king of fruits’ has high levels of fibre, pectin andvitamin C to lower serum cholesterol levels. An excellent vitamin Asource to have good eyesight. Now, it is said, a mango a day keeps the doctor away.
Nuts: Nuts are packed with protein, fibre and essential fats. Have a variety of handful of nuts as a healthy snack option. Eg: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts etc…
Olive oil: Rich in Monounsaturated Fatty acids(MUFA), this maintains healthy cholesterol levels. It helps with anti-ageing, osteoporosis and skin damage .
Papaya:  found throughout the year, it is rich in carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids, B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acidand fibre. It promotes healthy cardiovascular system and protection against colon cancer.It contains an enzyme, papain, which helps to treat sport injuries and allergies.
Quinoa: One of the few plant foods that contain all 9 essential amino acids, is gluten free and high is rich in quercetin which is anti-inflammatory, good in fibre and boosts metabolism.
Red wine: The key ingredient in this is resveratrol; helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol and prevents blood clots. So, say cheers…….but in moderation.
Salt: High salt intake raises blood pressure which leads to heart diseases. High potassium intake can help relax blood vessels and excrete high sodium from the body. But don’t have more than 6gm/day………….have a check on processed  food items.
Tomatoes:  They contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant, helps prevent certain cancers, and is a good source of vitamin C, biotin, vitamin K, copper , potassium and fibre.
Vinegar(Apple cider): It helps lower cholesterol and aids in weight loss, raises metabolism and lowers water retention.
Water: The most essential component of life; required for vital bodily functions—digestion, blood circulation and temperature regulation. It is a zero-calorie drink… have at least 10-12 glasses of water daily.
Xcess: Don’t do anything in excess. Moderation is the key to healthy living.
Yogurt: Rich in pro-biotics, yogurt maintains healthy bacteria in the gut and prevents gastrointestinal disorders. A good source of B-12, magnesium, calcium and potassium.