Has it happened that suddenly people in the house start getting ill, one after the other. Perhaps they are under the negative influence of illness star.
According to the Flying Star school of Feng Shui, the flying star 2 also called as illness star is one of the bad stars. If it is present in a location where it is activated it can cause illness in the individuals staying in that house. It can be as small as having common cold to having heart attack, or getting effected by life threatening diseases like tumor etc.
In case it is activated, or is in an area we cannot avoid, it is absolutely necessary to do following remedies:
- Keep a brass statue of Mother Kuan Yin in the area.
- You can hang six Chinese coins in red ribbon.
- You can use salt water cure.
I hope she could have tried any of these measures. Feel bad for our loved ones if something irreversible happens.